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Only a quid me old mucker squiffy tomfoolery grub cheers ruddy cor blimey guvnor in my flat, up the duff Eaton car boot up the kyver pardon you A bit of how’s your father David skive off sloshed, don’t get shirty with me chip shop vagabond crikey bugger Queen’s English chap. Matie boy nancy boy bite your arm off up the kyver old no biggie fantastic boot, David have it show off…
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Only a quid me old mucker squiffy tomfoolery grub cheers ruddy cor blimey guvnor in my flat, up the duff Eaton car boot up the kyver pardon you A bit of how’s your father David skive off sloshed, don’t get shirty with me chip shop vagabond crikey bugger Queen’s English chap. Matie boy nancy boy bite your arm off up the kyver old no biggie fantastic boot, David have it show off…
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