
All about German Culture

Germany is the fifth largest economy in the world but is the home to one of the simplest people. The country has a population of around 80 million. Apart from the natives there are people of other countries and culture as well who have come and become a part of the nation. More than 90 percent of the population makes use of the German language making it the language of the majority. The country has a rich base which ranges from art and culture to technological advancements.

A brief overview of the land follows –

  • It is the land of poets and philosophers – Germany has produced some incredible personalities whose names remain in golden letters in the history of the world. From Goethe to Kant, Kafka, Sartre and Brecht, these eminent men left no stones unturned and created masterpieces which continue to delight the readers ever after centuries of creation.


  • The core of great music – The country produced one of the greatest musicians of all time, Beethoven. Classical music is incomplete without the inclusion of the creations of the master. The musical notes of the maestro to this day influence the people worldwide.


  • Reason over emotion – Germany is known for its preference of logic over everything. The people are hard thinkers and do not sway with emotions. They believe in rationality and follow this as a rule of living.


  • Rules are normal – Along with the love for logic the people of Germany are rule oriented. They believe that rules are meant for betterment and they abide by them. They have internalized rules and find it difficult to adjust without them. In the country following rules is seen a positive things and people take pride in it. It may be a little inconvenient for the foreigners but they need to learn and adjust accordingly.


  • Punctuality is a must – Germans take their time seriously. Germans respect time and the country hardly has any record of lacking it. From the social affairs to the public transport, everything follows a time schedule. They consider being early than late which is viewed as irresponsible. The lack of delays is another thing which the Germans take pride in.


  • Professional and personal balance – Since the people are rational they maintain a difference between their professional and personal life. The two spheres are kept apart not only for privacy reasons but also because Germans are not deemed to be most friendly people. They prefer a strict code of conduct and do not enjoy socializing in sectors which are not meant for the purpose.


  • Beer is life – German people love their beer. They have a history there. They are one of the largest exporters of beer in the world. So, in Germany there can never be too much beer. Moreover, Weihenstephan Abbey Brewery is the oldest existing brewery in the world which is located in the country and has been in continuance since 1040.


  • Passionate about food – Germans are passionate about their food. They have a rich cuisine. The German pretzels are known all over the world along with schnitzel and sauerkraut. Apart from that there are different meat delicacies like sausages. The staple of the country are undoubtedly bread and potatoes. They have a wide variety of breads and they prefer it with almost every meal.


  • Avid travelers – The Germans are frequent travelers. They are interested in exploring the globe and they enjoy learning about new places and new culture. They engage in backpacking as much as possible.


  • Recycling is an art – Along with following all the other rules, the Germans also take the idea of cleanliness seriously. They recycle everything that is possible. They are the leaders in terms of recycling. Thus, the task of sorting trash is an exhausting affair where one needs to be careful of the laws and regulations.


  • Sport fanatics – Germans are crazy about soccer. This is the most popular sport and the national team has won the World Cup four times. In the soccer season there are huge displays all over country meant for the communal enjoyment. The German football championship, Bundesliga is one of the most attended events in world.


  • Low rate of unemployment – Germany has enough economic strength. The country is leading the world in different sectors. It has taken different initiatives in varied spheres and is succeeding in the endeavors as well. They do not only employ the natives but also have a large overseas population engaged with the different fields. Thus, naturally the county has one of the lowest rates of unemployment in the world.


  • Sunday is a holiday – Sundays are meant for rest in the country. Everything on the last day of the week is closed which though allows a breather may also pose issues for those unaware.


All of these make up an image of the country exciting enough for anyone to take an interest in the land. The country as previously mentioned has a multifarious culture. The rich history has also endowed the land with majestic architecture. Everything about the country is alluring. Though maybe somewhat contradictory in style, it is inviting enough for the people to want to experience it, at least once in their lifetime.

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